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Addressing Inequalities of Older LGBTQI People

The diverse nature of older people and in particular, sub-populations including older LGBTQ2 is often under-represented in policy dialogue and targeted programs.  At some levels of development and in the general population there is often an assumption that the experience of older people is the same regardless of their gender, race, sexual orientation, citizenship status as examples.  Furthermore, society often understates the fact that life experiences significantly impact and at times jeopardise the health and ability of older people to meet their basic needs.

Despite the recent shift towards greater recognition of the need for tailored services for older LGBTQI individuals, and greater sensitization of the issues, this growing population still experience stigma and discrimination, negatively impacting their health and well-being.

Interested in learning more about the experiences of older LGBTQI people?  Recordings from past webinars on topics addressing inequalities felt by older LGBTQI people are included below.


Addressing Inequalities – Older LGBTQI People

Webinar Recording | Presentation Slides

Presented by:

  • leZlie Lee Kam, Co-Chair, National Seniors Advisory Council, Egale Canada Human Rights Trust
  • Karla Isabel Acuña Salas, Centro de investigación y Promoción para America Central de Derechos Humanos
  • Michael Adams, CEO, SAGE


Addressing Inequalities of Older LGBTQI People in Canada

Webinar Recording | Presentation Slides

Presented by:

  • Celeste Pang, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto


Addressing Inequalities of Older LGBTQI People in Latin America

Webinar Recording | Presented in Spanish

Presented by:

  • Karla Isabel Acuña Salas, Centro de investigación y Promoción para America Central de Derechos Humanos
  • Frank Arteaga, Manodiversa
  • Andrea Ayala, Espacio de Mujeres Lesbianas por la Diversidad


Ageism and Age-Based Discrimination in LGBTQ2 Communities

Webinar Recording 

Presented by:

  • Dr Brian de Vries, Professor, Emeritus, San Francisco State University; Adjunct Professor, Simon Fraser University (slides)
  • Kate Hazell, Specialist, Education and Training, Coordinator, The 519 (slides)


Housing and Home Care: An Older LGBTQ2 Person’s Perspective

Webinar Recording | Presentation Slides

Presented by:

  • Dr Andrea Daley, Director and Associate Professor, School of Social Work, York University
  • Dr John Ecker, Affiliate Researcher, Centre for Community and Educational Services, University of Ottawa; Director of Research and Evaluation, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness


Family, Supporters and Caregiving: An Older LGBTQ2 Person’s Perspective

Webinar Recording | Presentation Slides | Presented in French

Presented by:

  • Prof Line Chamberland, Research Chair on Homophobia, Université du Québec à Montréal
  • Prof Marie Beaulieu, Co-Director, WHO Collaborative Centre, Elder Abuse; Chairholder, Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults
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