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Gabriel Arrache

Gabriel joined the IFA team in 2024. He has a BA in Philosophy from Universidad Panamericana in Mexico City, Mexico, and he recently graduated with honours from the Visual and Digital Art program at Humber College in Toronto, Canada.

Throughout his career, Gabriel has always pursued creative professional challenges that allowed him to develop his knowledge on how to effectively convey valuable concepts from one mind to another, hopefully spreading additional perspectives, information, and inspiration.

He believes that when people internalize true, new and different information, it becomes a part of their cognitive framework and so, new concepts can shape and influence self-understanding, effectively becoming self-knowledge and thus contributing to self-value and overall improving somebody’s life.

He is thrilled to be part of IFA because his work will support the mission of an organization that improves lives by combating ageism, age discrimination and protecting the rights of older people.

In his free time, Gabriel likes to mix stuff to build crazy trinkets he calls art and experience the great Canadian outdoors in the company of his children and wife.

Gabriel is grateful to the Anishinabek (Ojibway), Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nations for the opportunity to work and build community on this territory. He thanks them for the privileges he enjoys as a newcomer.

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