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logo50+ Hellas is a NGO which aims to improve the quality of life of those over 50 years of age in Greece, within a more equal society and through actions and activities affecting all aspects of life.

In cooperation with other social partners, it defends the rights of older people at national and EU levels through research and advocacy work which gives older people a voice in:

  • informing and influencing government policy towards older people
  • arguing for a more equitable society for the benefit of those aged over 50, particularly the vulnerable and poor in Greek society
  • improving the health and well-being of older people
  • increasing the active involvement in society of older people
  • promoting a society for all ages

The organization also promotes the interests and support of dependent older people and their families and the professionals who care for them.

At the European level, 50+ Hellas is a dynamic member of AGE PLATFORM Europe which represents European citizens over 50 years of age.

For more information, visit the website.

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