World Health Organization

The IFA is in official relations with the WHO based on collaboration with agreed objectives and outlining activities for a three-year period, structured in accordance with the WHO General Programme of Work and Programme budget and consistent with the Framework.
The 2020-2022 plan for collaboration is supportive of the WHO 13th General Program of Work 2019-2023 and contributes to the four strategic priorities, with a focus on vulnerable older people, in order to create an enabling environment that helps to maintain and improve the health and safety of older people. The plan supports WHO’s long-term efforts on ageing through:
- Promoting, contributing to and being aligned with the transformational pathways for the Decade of Healthy Ageing (2020-2030) including the global campaign to combat ageism
- Contributing to ongoing dialogue on a life course approach to public health strategies such as immunization which positively impacts across generations
- Contributing to the WHO agenda and collaborative opportunities, as appropriate
- Aligning health systems to the needs of older populations by contributing to a global consensus on the components of older person centered and integrated care and strengthening mechanisms for sharing information about experiences and evidence for health systems realignment, to accelerate implementation at national and subnational level
- Contributing to knowledge capture, synthesis and mobilization, by supporting the WHO repository of good practices on health and long-term care or integrated care
- Supporting the mobilization of stakeholders around the most vulnerable older people while contributing to positive changes to create an environment that enables older people to optimize their contributions
IFA also provides ongoing administrative and programmatic support to the WHO as an Affiliate and network administrator for the Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities and the Secretariat of the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism, as well as coordination of the new Age-Friendly Environments Mentorship Programme (MENTOR-AFE).