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Driving Our AGEnda

The International Federation on Ageing is an international non-governmental organization with a membership base comprising government, NGOs, academics, industry, and individuals in 75 countries.  The IFA began operations in 1973, at a time when the social and economic impact of population ageing was only beginning to be understood by governments around the world.

The IFA has general consultative status at the United Nations and its agencies, and is in formal relations with the World Health Organization.  The IFA has been involved in drafting key initiatives such as the UN Principles for Older Persons, actively advocating for older people to be recognized in the Sustainable Development Goals, and maintaining a strong voice in the dialogue on how to best protect the rights of older people globally.

IFA's Commitment to Older People

IFA drives the agenda of the world’s population ageing, so every older person can live their life to the fullest in a society that respects their past, present and future contributions.

Older LGBTQI+ People

Older adults are not a homogeneous group, they have unique and varying needs.  Diversity in older age is due to the cumulative impact of health inequalities across the life course.  For those who belong to sexual minority group and in a marginalized ethnic, religious, linguistic or indigenous community the challenges and inequalities are even more complex.

Our World

We live in unprecedented times with the demographic upheavals of population ageing, globalisation, migration and urbanisation driving significant environmental and societal change. Alongside these trends are the threats and consequences of non-communicable diseases including cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes, and respiratory diseases which are significant for the individual and society but also government investment and expenditure.

Policy Framework

Longer lives bring great opportunities, including the possibility of rethinking growing older in an ever-changing environment. IFAs blueprint to drive the agenda of the world’s ageing population is premised on a rights-based approach and underpinned by the United Principles for Older People and aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Agenda and WHO Global Strategy and Action Plan.

United Nations

IFA began operations in 1973 at a time when governments and civil society around the world were only beginning to understand population ageing trends. The IFA was one of the first organizations to call for a World Assembly on Ageing, and after the first was held in Vienna in 1982, the IFA emerged as an NGO with a strong voice for older people at the United Nations (UN).

World Health Organization

The IFA is in official relations with the WHO based on collaboration with agreed objectives and outlining activities for a three-year period, structured in accordance with the WHO General Programme of Work and Programme budget and consistent with the Framework.

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