pamilogoThe National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners (INSSJP), better known as PAMI, is the Argentine public agency specialized in the care of the elderly.

Since its creation in 1971, the goal of PAMI is to be a transparent and close-to-the-people institution, providing health and social services based on excellence and equity to more than 4,800,000 retirees and pensioners, Veterans of the Malvinas War, and their family groups.

The structure of PAMI has been decentralized in 38 Local Management Units located in high population density areas throughout the Argentina, and 677 service offices located in different cities nationwide, engaging a total of 14,443 workers.

PAMI provides a wide range of services, from disease prevention & treatment, rehabilitation, promotion and recovery of health, to services that aim at increasing the functional autonomy of the elderly and their social integration, taking care of risk situations and social vulnerabilities.

The Institute also runs its own hospitals dedicated exclusively to the attention of its beneficiaries. In addition, agreements with various public and private institutions grant all levels of healthcare coverage, including one of the most complete prescription drug coverage in the world, and a special free of charge prescription drugs program for the most vulnerable retirees.

Our current 8,919 GPs and 18,798 health care providers are the main references of our integral healthcare model. A comprehensive view of health, focused on the person, is what drives our social and human essence, and this view is reflected in our wide coverage, including prevention of disease and health promotion, as well as vulnerability and fragility care in old age.

For more information, visit our website.