IFA’s Commitment to Older People

IFA drives the agenda of the world’s population ageing, so every older person can live their life to the fullest in a society that respects their past, present and future contributions.
Central to creating an environment that enables older people do what they value are the bridges and relationships that IFA helps to build across disciplines and sectors toward a common agenda that combats ageism and age discrimination and protects the rights of older people.
Collaborations and partnerships with the goal of accelerating the advocacy and policy development achievements lead to the acceleration of knowledge mobilization, reduction of international exchange of research results; reducing barriers to international research activities; fostering knowledge mobilization internationally; identifying knowledge gaps; and providing training opportunities.
Our commitment is underpinned situated within the WHO priorities which include fostering healthy ageing, aligning health systems, developing systems for long-term care, creating age-friendly environments and measuring, monitoring and understanding. The commitment is strengthened by the fact that the IFA maintains official relations with the WHO as well as General Consultative Status at the United Nations (UN) / ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council).
As the challenges and opportunities facing the world’s ageing population are both numerous and complex, the IFAs commitment to older adults reaches several diverse fields including adult vaccination, age-friendly environments, combating ageism, Older LGBTQI People, brain health and cognitive function, hearing and vision health.