Policy Framework

Longer lives bring great opportunities, including the possibility of rethinking growing older in an ever-changing environment. IFAs blueprint to drive the agenda of the world’s ageing population is premised on a rights-based approach and underpinned by the United Principles for Older People and aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Agenda and WHO Global Strategy and Action Plan.
Governments around the world are challenged with rapid population ageing, and the parallel trends of globalisation, migration and urbanisation. As older people are not a homogenous group, such is the fact that each country is unique in its demographic portrait, its priorities as well as its infrastructure which then informs governmental policy frameworks.
Using a person-centred philosophy, the IFA advocates for policies that build an environment that enables older people to do what they have reason to value. The term ‘environment’ is not limited to the physical environment but rather speaks to the myriad of touch points of individuals, community and society and systems across a lifetime. IFA advocates for the advancement of evidence-based, age-related policy that improves the lives of older people, and acknowledges that policy supporting the abilities of older people benefits all age groups.
Despite this recognized demographic transition, many outdated and based on a much younger population, giving little attention to older people.
IFAs policy framework pulls-through the historic conditions and actions of the United Nations including the UN Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing, UN Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing and the work of the UN Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing
Policy change is integral to addressing inequalities in later life, combating ageism, creating age-friendly environments, and fostering healthy ageing.