Dra. Ida Berenice Molina Aguilera
Head of Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI)Dr. Ida Berenice Molina Aguilera is the Head of Honduras’ Extended Program for Immunization (EPI) program.
Languages : English, Spanish
Club Rotario Tegucigalpa Sur confiere galardón “Ciudadanos Distinguidos”
La TribunaNovember 16, 2015
Para conmemorar el Mes Mundial del Ciudadano Distinguido el Club Rotario Tegucigalpa Sur, nominó y honró a personalidades que desde diversos ámbitos se han proyectado a la sociedad o su comunidad. La noche del 12 de noviembre fueron galardonados siete profesionales, en áreas de salud, educación, deportes, emprendedores y juventud cinco. La primera presea de la noche fue concedida a la doctora Ida Berenice Molina siendo nombrada como Ciudadana Distinguida en el área de salud, por su desempeño durante 26 años en el Programa Ampliado de Inmunizaciones, de la Secretaría de Salud Pública y que se ha constituido en el mejor a nivel mundial. Luego fue llamado al estrado Segisfredo Infante historiador, poeta, analista político, promotor de múltiples iniciativas culturales, creador de la sección “La Grulla Económica” de Diario La Tribuna por lo que fue honrado como “Ciudadano Distinguido en Cultura”. Esa noche se exaltó su labor como formador de opinión pública a través de sus escritos en Diario LA TRIBUNA.
Update from Vaccination Week: Highlighting Honduras’ Integrated Approach to Health
EN7April 29, 2014
This afternoon, hordes of journalists and TV newscasters huddled around one small toddler, creating a semi-circle two rows deep as they waited in anticipation. Moments later, the toddler opened her mouth and received deworming medicine — a simple but life changing act that on any other day may go unnoticed. But today was different. In honor of Vaccination Week in the Americas (VWA), Members from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Ministry of Health of Honduras, and representatives from the Office of the President of Honduras, hosted a high-profile ceremony, highlighting the importance of vaccination, deworming and the integrated delivery of other health interventions.
Examining the cost of delivering routine immunization in Honduras
Vaccine2015 Many countries have introduced new vaccines and expanded their immunization programs to protect additional risk groups, thus raising the cost of routine immunization delivery. Honduras recently adopted two new vaccines, and the country continues to broaden the reach of its program to adolescents and adults. In this article, we estimate and examine the economic cost of the Honduran routine immunization program for the year 2011.The data were gathered from a probability sample of 71 health facilities delivering routine immunization, as well as 8 regional and 1 central office of the national immunization program. Data were collected on vaccinations delivered, staff time dedicated to the program, cold chain equipment and upkeep, vehicle use, infrastructure, and other recurrent and capital costs at each health facility and administrative office. Annualized economic costs were estimated from a modified societal perspective and reported in 2011 US dollars.With the addition of rotavirus and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, the total cost for routine immunization delivery in Honduras for 2011 was US$ 32.5 million. Vaccines and related supplies accounted for 23% of the costs. Labor, cold chain, and vehicles represented 54%, 4%, and 1%, respectively. At the facility level, the non-vaccine system costs per dose ranged widely, from US$ 25.55 in facilities delivering fewer than 500 doses per year to US$ 2.84 in facilities with volume exceeding 10,000 doses per year. Cost per dose was higher in rural facilities despite somewhat lower wage rates for health workers in these settings; this appears to be driven by lower demand for services per health worker in sparsely populated areas, rather than increased cost of outreach.These more-precise estimates of the operational costs to deliver routine immunizations provide program managers with important information for mobilizing resources to help sustain the program and for improving annual planning and budgeting as well as longer-term resource allocation decisions.
Tracking financial flows for immunization in Honduras
Vaccine2015 In Honduras, until 2008, vaccine and injection supplies were financed with domestic resources. With the introduction of rotavirus vaccine in 2009 and pneumococcal conjugate in 2011, the country's Expanded Program on Immunization required an influx of resources to support not only vaccine procurement but also investments in cold chain infrastructure and programmatic strategies. This paper examines the origin, allocation, and use of resources for immunization in 2011 in Honduras, with the aim of identifying gaps in financing.An adaptation of the System of Health Accounts (2011) codes was used to specifically track resources for immunization services in Honduras for 2011. All financial flows were entered into an Excel database, and each transfer of resources was coded with a financing source and a financing agent. These coded financing sources were then distributed by provider, health care function (activity), health care provision (line item or resource input), and beneficiary (geographic, population, and antigen). All costs were calculated in 2011 United States dollars.In 2011, financing for routine immunization in Honduras amounted to US$ 49.1 million, which is equal to 3.3% of the total health spending of US$ 1.49 billion and 0.29% of the GDP. Of the total financing, 64% originate from domestic sources. The other 36% is external financing, most importantly Gavi support for introducing new vaccines. This analysis identified potential financing gaps for many immunization-related activities besides procuring vaccines, such as expanding the cold chain, training, social mobilization, information systems, and research.The funding for Honduras’ immunization program is a small share of total public spending on health. However, new vaccines recently added to the schedule with financial support from Gavi have increased the financing requirements by more than 30% in comparison to 2008. The Honduran government and its partners are developing sustainability plans to cover a financing gap that will occur when the country graduates from Gavi support in 2016. Access to lower vaccine prices will make the existing and future program, including the planned introduction of HPV vaccine to adolescent girls, more affordable.
Integrating Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Interventions With Vaccination in Honduras
The Journal of Infectious Diseases2012 We sought to review and describe health interventions integrated with immunization delivery, both routine and during national vaccination weeks, in Honduras between 1991 and 2009.
An overview of the National Consultative Council of Immunization in Honduras
Vaccine2010 The State of Honduras instituted its technical advisory committee on immunization in response to recommendations made by the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) and the National Extended Program of Immunization (EPI). On 9 October 1999, the “National Consultative Council of Immunization” (NCCI) was established to provide support and recommendations to the EPI program for the eradication, elimination and control of vaccine-preventable diseases. The seven permanent members of the Council are all paediatricians. Additionally, there are liaison members (from PAHO, the national EPI team, and others) who participate in NCCI meetings when required. Meetings take place three times per year. The high quality of Council recommendations is demonstrated by the fact that the health authorities have adopted all of them.
Area of Expertise
Infectious Disases
Vaccination Strategies
Health and Wellness