IFA Virtual Town Hall Resources 23 October 2020
Key Resources
Tabor Village: https://www.taborvillage.org/
WHO Long-term care sytems: https://www.who.int/ageing/long-term-care/en/
The John A. Hartford Foundation NAM Global Longevity Challenge: https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/jnIPCQWOGzSgLLXUxr-hD?domain=healthylongevitychallenge.org/
Global Longevity Challenge: http://healthylongevitychallenge.org/
GreenHouse model: https://www.thegreenhouseproject.org/
- The Butterfly Project Model of Care: https://bccare.ca/2018/01/implementing-butterfly-household-model-care-canada-lessons-learned-date/
- HSE National Office for Human Rights and Equality: https://www.hse.ie/eng/
Speaker Biography:
Dan Levitt is an acclaimed international speaker, elder care leader, writer, and gerontologist, specializing in helping others to create better lives for seniors. Dan’s purpose is to teach people how to transform the lives of older adults across the globe. As a popular professional speaker, he has delivered inspiring keynote speeches impacting thousands of people on four continents. Dan does not tell people where to go but guides them in the direction of where they need to go. His talks leave the audience with a new mindset on ageing needed to thrive in the 21st century.
As the Executive Director of Tabor Village, Dan Levitt shepherds the enhancement of social, spiritual and care needs for more than 300 seniors, inspiring a team of over 400 employees and volunteers with a commitment to continuously improving quality of life. Dan is an Adjunct Professor in Gerontology at Simon Fraser University an Adjunct Professor at the University of British Columbia School of Nursing, and a Sessional Instructor at the British Columbia Institute of Technology.
Dan’s adventure exploits have taken him from Africa’s highest peak Mt. Kilimanjaro to the Caribbean Sea’s coral reefs, from canoeing across the Yukon to racing in the six World Marathon Majors.