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What are the pieces of legislation in place?

In the table below you will find PDF copies of legislation in place through which governments engage older people from the eight countries included in IFA’s policy report. Please click on the legislation title to view the document.


Resolution and Program Active Ageing – Vejez Activa (Spanish) 2007


Commonwealth, State and Territory Strategy on Healthy Ageing 2001
Health and Aging Corporate Plan 2006-2009
Choose Health – Be Active 2005
National Strategy for an Ageing Australia 1999

South Australia, Australia

Improving with Age: Our Aging Plan for South Australia 2006

Tasmania, Australia

Tasmania Plan for Positive Ageing 2006-2011

Victoria, Australia

Positive Ageing: A Strategy for Current and Future Senior Victorians 2005


Healthy Aging in Canada: A New Vision, A Vital Investment 2006
The Integrated Pan-Canadian Healthy Living Strategy 2005
National Framework on Aging 1999

Manitoba, Canada

Advancing Age: Promoting Older Manitobans 2003

Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada

Provincial Healthy Aging: Policy Framework 2007

Nova Scotia, Canada

Strategy for Positive Aging in Nova Scotia 2005


Health Promotion Law (currently unavailable) 2002
General Principles Concerning Measures for an Ageing Society 2001
People’s Health Promotion Campaign for the 21st Century (currently unavailable) 2000
Basic Law on Measures for an Ageing Society 1995


National Policy on the Elderly 2001

New Zealand

Health of Older People Strategy 2002
Positive Ageing Strategy 2001

South Africa

South Africa Plan for Action on Ageing (Draft) 2007
Older Persons Act 2006

United Kingdom

Independent Living Strategy 2008
Opportunity Age 2005
National Service Framework for Older People 2002

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