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World Health Organization: Service Provider for Part-time Tutor Role in Online Learning Programme on Healthy Ageing Needed

The services requested for this project relate to the provision of part-time tutoring for the online learning programme on Healthy Ageing. Throughout the training programme, each team of participants will benefit from tutor support. Tutors will provide their respective teams with procedural, technical, and content support. Tutors will be responsible for guiding participants through the programme, providing topic based and didactic guidance on a one-to-one level and on a team level, encouraging collaboration and constructive ideas and criticism within teams, and mediating between teams and community members to stimulate discussion. Tutors will also help optimize the experience of the end-user by helping participants navigate the OpenWHO platform, identifying blockers and enablers in the programme (including content and structure), managing reminders and follow-up with assigned participants to ensure timely submission of assignments, and liaising with IT staff were needed to resolve issues.

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