In Our Own Words: What Older People Say About Discrimination and Human Rights in Older Age
In Our Own Words: What older people say about discrimination and human rights in older age is a consultation by the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People (GAROP) in which older people talk about the ageism, discrimination and denial of human rights that they are subjected to in their everyday life.
Over two thousand people from 50 countries took part in a consultation to hear how older people are being discriminated against, what impact this has on their lives and why they think this is happening. Whilst a very small number described being treated well, the vast majority said they were treated differently and discriminated against because of their older age. They described being ignored, dismissed, excluded and subjected to violence and abuse.
This has significant implications for the current debate at the UN on how to better protect and promote the human rights of older people. The deep-rooted ageism and denial of rights across all aspects of life in older age described in In Our Own Words clearly suggest that a comprehensive and systematic approach to protecting and promoting the rights of older people is required.
In Our Own Words: What older people say about discrimination and human rights in older age
Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People, 2015