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Dr Jane Barratt

Dr. Jane M Barratt, Ph.D. is a Global Advisor at the International Federation on Ageing (IFA) an international non-government organisation with general consultative status with the United Nations and its agencies including formal relations with the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Population ageing and disability across the life course have been Jane’s passion and interest across an adventurous career that traverses public and private sectors and many disciplines.

During the 1980s and 90s Jane honed her technical and orating skills through an academic career in population ageing and disability at the Universities in the United Kingdom and Australia with attention to improved understanding of population-based planning models and service provision.  Thereafter she developed a successful business in strategic planning and relationships alongside senior director and management positions in various international and national not-for-profit organisations.

Jane is a Winston Churchill Fellow and recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in Canada in recognition of her commitment and passion to enhance the understanding of issues relating to ageing and engaging in dialogue with governments and the private sector to improve the quality of life of older people.

Among her many current positions Jane is a Member of Vision Academy, Director, Baycrest Health Sciences and Chair of the Education Advisory Committee, Associate Scientist, Sinai Health System, Member, Global Committee for the DR Barometer Program, and Member of the International Council for Adult Immunisation.  Formerly she is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Ageing and until recently Chair, Standing Selection Committee Chair for the Networks of Centres of Excellence of Canada.

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