Jacinthe Roy

Jacinthe Roy is the Executive Director of Réseau FADOQ, the largest organization for individuals aged 50 and over. She has been active in the nonprofit sector for over twenty years, where she has developed strong expertise in management, philanthropy and communications. Since 2017, she has been committed to the cause of seniors, aiming to improve their quality of life and ensure that they live the final stages of their lives with dignity.

Jacinthe Roy serves on the Canadian Coalition Against Ageism, the Advisory Committee on the Fight Against Poverty and Social Exclusion, and the Coalition for the Future of Sport and Physical Activity in Quebec.
With an EMBA, she is a seasoned manager who excels at rallying and engaging passionate teams of employees and volunteers around common goals. Her leadership is recognized for its strategic vision and exemplary decision-making skills. Jacinthe is also a strong advocate for talent development, coaching, and team management.