Eye See You Holiday Photo Contest 2018

This holiday season, the International Federation on Ageing and the Eye See You campaign are inviting amateur and professional photographers across Canada to join us in raising awareness about the importance of vision health! Share a photo of something that matters most to you this holiday season for a chance to win $250 Ray Ban gift card!
Protecting vision health is critical to maintaining functional ability and healthy ageing. 8 in 10 Canadians worry about how they will be able to live independently if their vision is lost or significantly impaired and 9 in 10 Canadians believe that sight is the most important of the five senses.
Take a photo and show us why vision health matters to you!
Between 10-31 December, 2018 follow the three easy steps to raise vision health awareness on social media:
- Take a photo of something that matters most to you this holiday season.
- Share on Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #EyeSeeYou2018.
- Subscribe to the EyeSeeYou mailing list to get the latest vision health news.
You will be automatically entered to win once completed.
If you are interested in learning more about the contest rules and the Eye See You Campaign, more information can be found on the EyeSeeYou website.