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Importance Of Making New Innovations In Home Health Care Services

IFA Guest Blogger: Mr. Andrew Russell


In this modern world of medicine and home health care service, there is no other way to survive but to make new innovations. This plays an important role as it will help these care services to reach more and more homes and to more and more patients, young or old.

A lot of home care service providers have come up in the recent past to facilitate patient journeys. They support the needs of the patients with these innovations that help them to tackle even the most demanding patient.

Therefore, investing in such innovations is essential that will enable the home caregivers to provide safer services that will help the patients to lead a safer life in their own homes. This will not only help them in their daily activities but will also help them in other different aspects such as:

  • To stay connected with their doctors
  • Keep appointments and
  • Follow the care process just as advised by the doctors.

This will ensure better care and fast recovery following the evidence-based treatment in the homes of the patients. In short, innovations in home healthcare will bring together the elderly patients, their families and the caregivers as well.

As you may see, there is an incredible work done in home care jobs near me to develop a better health care system that will help them and the patients to prevent and treat diseases. This will help the patients both at the population level as well as at the individual level.

Systems for personalization

However, this will not be possible to achieve if these advancements to work are not put to the systems for personalization. Everything in the home care jobs boils down to the need for designing a better care service.

  • This can only be possible when the home caregivers get to know the patients as individuals and not as a specific group suffering from a specific disease.
  • It is also required to structure the home caregiving organizations in such a way that it will be able to judge and deal with the need of every individual at any given level.

In addition to the above, there is also a need to address workplace ethics and the role of human resources. This will ensure reimaging the imperative need of securing a more diverse and talented pipeline.

Therefore, investing in innovations and creating a better and more productive organizational culture of inclusion will enable the home care agencies to honor the new age of home and health care personalization.

Looking forward in 2019

You can look forward in 2019 if you look at the different trends followed by other home caregivers and the predictions made by the experts in the industry.

Ideally, given the current state, there is a strong debate between:

  • AI and physicians
  • Consumer and Clinical care
  • Human empathy and machine intelligence.

This debate seems to have no end as more and more new players enter into this specific ecosystem.

Looking at the predictions, making the necessary changes in care services and organizational structure and reviewing your state every now and then will enable you to find out whether or not you are doing well and are you getting even close to be more accurate.

Accuracy in your services is primarily important which is why these predictions and innovations are also important. You must not only focus on them but also pan them out all through the year over your service and organization management.

Value based care

2019 globally will be the year for providing more value-based or value-added home care services to the patients. Therefore, you will need to design more ‘outcome-based care’ if you really want to do well in this competitive and highly demanding field.  This will help you in ways more than one including:

  • Triggering maturation of risk sharing in care solution
  • Contracting between the original equipment manufacturers and providers of device or drug and
  • Driving more business value for your organization.

In addition to that, it will also offer access to affordable and quality care. This will be the key to the political agendas especially if you want to do business in the emerging markets in regions such as:

  • Asia
  • Africa and
  • Different Central and Eastern European countries.

In 2019, it is also expected that the lines between IT and retail healthcare industries will continue to blur. Individual care space is expected to be dominated by different major players such as:

  • Google
  • Apple
  • Facebook and
  • Amazon or GAFA in the West.

In the East, it will be dominated by players like:

  • Baidu
  • Tencent BAT and
  • Ali Health.

These non-traditional providers of the digital marketplace including Microsoft and IBM amongst others will dominate the entire home health space. These major organizations will provide the essential impetus to the public health systems. This will ensure both affordability and accessibility of care.

It is also expected that there will be a lot of investments made in the future for research and development of drugs and devices. This will enable the home care service providers to be more targeted so that they can meet with the unique needs of the emerging markets especially in the Asian and African markets.

The final word

In order to meet the increase in demand for home care by the aging Americans, Asians and other countries, the healthcare system as well as the home care industry must be innovative in their thinking process, care giving process and management.

Typically, it is expected that in 2019 the companies must follow a reality check with a continual review of their existing processes and focus on designing care processes with an eye on the future. For this purpose, they must follow and understand two of the most hyped technologies that should be certainly used in home health care services in this decade and that to follow. These are Artificial Intelligence and blockchain.

This ideally is the best way to stay in the competition and thrive for success in home health care services marketplace wherein lots of startups are coming up like mushrooms but few only can meet with the rising demand of such care.

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