Wise Words
Webinar Series on Older LGBTQ2 People: Ageism and Age-Based Discrimination in LGBTQ2 Communities “Ageism and Age-Based Discrimination in LGBTQ2 Communities” was the latest webinar in a series created to address the inequalities of older LGBTQ2 people...
Wise Words
Live from New York: The IFA at the UN in January 2018 IFA – Live from New York Post by Dr Sandra Timmermann (IFA UN Representative and Editor of Live From New York). Please contact Dr Timmermann with any questions or comments. A Successful 2017 and a Busy 2018 Ahead...
Wise Words
Perspectives on Working at the IFA In 2017, the IFA was pleased to welcome Clara Castoldi, a third-year student of the Institute of Political Studies in Aix-en-Provence, France, as an intern. Clara had kindly agreed to provide an inside look at her...
Wise Words
El tercer Webinar sobre personas mayores LGBTQI: abordar las desigualdades de las personas LGBTQI mayores en América Latina El tercer Webinar de la serie creada para abordar las desigualdades que enfrentan las personas LGBTQI adultas mayores en todo el mundo, se...
News, Wise Words
EuroAgeism seeking 15 PhD candidates for ageism related research project EuroAgeism is seeking 15 excellent early stage researchers (ESR) for a 3-year fully funded Ph.D. program in multiple research areas. EuroAgeism is a prestigious program that is a consortium of...
Wise Words
Les effets de la défiance a l’égard des vaccins en France sur les personnes âgées La population a tendance à penser que les vaccins ne sont nécessaires que pour les enfants et avant un voyage. L’immunisation des personnes âgées est souvent négligée, surtout en...