Homecare Hub’s Older Not Invisible Initiative
In response to the increased apathy towards older adults' health and wellbeing in society, Homecare Hub is thrilled to announce their partnership with the IFA on an...
Press Release: COVID-19 Exposing a Wider Ageism Pandemic
Press Release COVID-19 Exposing a Wider Ageism Pandemic The response to control the COVID-19 pandemic has unveiled just how widespread ageism is – older and younger people have...
Protecting Progress of Vaccination Throughout Life
Written by:Jane Barratt, Secretary General, International Federation on Ageing Unity only happens when we all walk together, and now is the time to end immunization inequity in...
Press Release: Empowering Canadian civil society organizations in the fight against influenza
Press Release Empowering Canadian civil society organizations in the fight against influenza 10 February 2021 Influenza is among the leading causes for hospitalization in older...
World Health Organization launches Baseline Report for the Decade of Healthy Ageing
The Baseline Report for the Decade of Healthy Ageing sets the stage for the second action plan of the Global Strategy, the Decade of Healthy Ageing (The Decade).
The Decade of Healthy Ageing: a new UN-wide initiative
The United Nations General Assembly today declared 2021-2030 the Decade of Healthy Ageing. The IFA extends sincere congratulates all those who worked collaboratively towards this effort; pledges to view all its work through the lens of the four action areas of the Decade; and looks forward to contributing to a whole-of-society-approach to age and ageing.
IFA 15th Global Conference on Ageing to be convened both virtually and in person
From 9-12 November 2021, the IFA 15th Global Conference on Ageing, "Rights Matter" will be convened both virtually and in person. Pre-Conference summits and master classes will...
Vaccines4Life joins World Health Organization’s Vaccine Safety Net
The IFA’s is thrilled to have joined the Vaccine Safety Net, a global network of websites, established by the World Health Organization, that provides reliable information on vaccine safety.
Dr. Jane Barratt Announced as CSO representative for ACT-Accelerator Vaccine Pillar
Dr. Jane Barratt, Secretary General of the International Federation on Ageing, has been announced as the Civil Society representative of Vaccine Strategy for the ACT-Accelerator Vaccine Pillar (COVAX), which aims to accelerate the development and access to quality, and affordable COVID19 diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines.
Sign the Pledge to End Immunization Inequity
Age should not define a person’s access to vaccinations. Sign the pledge to End Immunization Inequity in celebrating the International Day for Older Persons.
Announcement: 2020 Virtual Annual Members Meeting
The Board of the International Federation on Ageing, in accordance with the corporation bylaws, welcomes full members to the Annual Members Meeting held virtually on the 11th November 2020 commencing at 7.00am EST.
IFA Virtual Town Hall Series: COVID-19 and Older People
Please find here resources and recordings of previous IFA Virtual Town Hall Series on the Global Effects of COVID-19 and Older People.