Age-friendly Innovation Exchange

Globally, age-friendly cities, communities, and practices have become synonymous with an ageing population – these communities foster active ageing, remove physical and social barriers, and promote independence. Age-friendly environments are adaptive throughout their structures and services in order to increase accessibility and inclusivity of all people within a community, regardless of needs and capacities.
Age-friendly Environments Mentoring Programme
Click here for further information on the MENTOR-AFE programme.
IFA’s Age-Friendly Work
Islamic Republic of Iran
Recognizing population ageing as an emerging issue, in 2014 the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) 5th country Program in I.R. Iran established a partnership with the Secretariat of the National Council of the Elderly (SNCE) to develop a national strategic plan for the elderly.
IFA together with HelpAge International provided consultancy advice on Age Friendly Environments and the AgeWatch Index in I.R. Iran to ~ 70 participants from government, municipalities, NGOs and academics in November
Over the course of nearly 4 days (8-12 November) the IFA delivered educational sessions on age-friendly cities and communities (AFCC) comprising of: Overview and Framework; Guiding Principles for Sustainability; International Case Studies; Videos of existing global/city initiatives; Applying Learnings in Tehran; and a Review of the IFA Age Friendly Resource Manual.
If you are interested in these workshops by the IFA, please contact Ms. Sneha Yatam, Accounts and Office Manager at Read more about the Age-Friendly Environments Workshop.
Dublin City University
Age-Friendly Universities
Dublin City University (DCU) became the first third-level institution to adopt the concept and principles of an Age-Friendly University in 2012.
DCU’s commitment is to lead and highlight the role that universities can play in responding to challenges and opportunities associated with the ageing demographic of the 21st century.
The first international age-friendly universities conference was convened on 2-3 November 2015 in collaboration with international partners, Arizona State University and Strathclyde University. The keynote address was given by Dr. Jane Barratt, Secretary General of the IFA.
The following Age-Friendly Communities Resource Manual also includes a number of resources to assist in the development of age-friendly initiatives. The Manual contains links to a range of resources in the categories below:
- Positive Economic Impact of Age-Friendly Communities
- Toolkits, Guidelines and Resource Manuals
- Promote the Age-Friendly Project
- Tools to Evaluate the Age-Friendly Process
Age Friendly Western Australia Workshop Radio Interview: