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COVID-19 Resource Library

In these unprecedented times, evidence shows that COVID-19 poses a great risk to older people and those with existing chronic conditions. In the midst of growing tensions and uncertainty, the rights and ability of older people to access testing, health and other social services that prevent growing isolation are often overlooked; while global, national and regional and emergency preparedness plans do not adequately focus on the safety of older people. 


This platform aims to inform and drive policy discussions through highlighting the views of thought leaders in various associated fields. 

Prisons and Custodial Settings are Part of a Comprehensive Response to COVID-19

Prisons and Custodial Settings are Part of a Comprehensive Response to COVID-19

COVID-19 outbreaks in custodial settings are of importance for public health, for at least two reasons: first, that explosive outbreaks in these settings have the potential to overwhelm prison health-care services and place additional demands on overburdened specialist facilities in the community; and second, that, with an estimated 30 million people released from custody each year globally, prisons are a vector for community transmission that will disproportionately impact marginalised communities.

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