Webinar Announcement: What is the role for public policy and technology in increasing immunisation uptake across the life course?
What is the role for public policy and technology in increasing immunisation uptake across the life course? is the fourth webinar of the International Federation on Ageing (IFA)...
OEWG: Independence, Autonomy and Rights of Older Persons in the African Context
The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) is co-hosting a side event entitled ‘Independence, Autonomy and Rights of Older Persons in the African Context’ at the upcoming 10th...
2019 IFA Annual Members Meeting
In accordance with Section 4 of the corporation’s bylaws members of the International Federation on Ageing are advised of the Annual Members Meeting to be held at: IFA...
Registration Now Open for the IFA Copenhagen Summit on Cognitive Reserve
Growing evidence suggests that throughout the life course, brain health and cognitive function can be promoted and maintained – a concept known as ‘cognitive reserve’. With ten...
IFA Welcomes Three New Project Officers
The International Federation on Ageing is pleased to welcome Ms. Anna Sangster, Ms. Stephanie Sebastian and Ms. Helen Valkanas to the team as Project Officers this March/April....
2018 Annual Report – Now Available
The International Federation on Ageing’s 2018 Annual Report is now available. The report highlights key accomplishments within priority projects and program areas as well as...
United Nations Side Event: Fostering Resilience across the Life Course through Universal Health Coverage
The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) is co-hosting a side event entitled ‘Fostering Resilience across the Life Course through Universal Health Coverage (UHC)’ at the...
Webinar Announcement: Combating Ageism to Improve Access to Employment
Combating Ageism to Improve Access to Employment is the second webinar of the International Federation on Ageing (IFA) Post-Conference Education Webinar Series and throughout the...
Prioritizing Vaccination in At-Risk Groups
Outcomes of the Belfast and Stockholm Meetings on Adult Vaccination This past fall, the IFA held meetings in Belfast, United Kingdom (6-7 September 2018) and Stockholm,...
Webinar Announcement: Human Rights of Older Persons and Agenda 2030
With a rapidly ageing global population, addressing the and harnessing the opportunities that older people experience is of great importance. In August 2018, the International...
World Braille Day 2019
The World Blind Union celebrated World Braille Day on 4 January 2019, declared by the United Nations as an international day to commemorate the importance of braille. This day...
IFA Appoints and Renews Directors to Global Board
Press Release: 14 December, 2018 International Federation on Ageing Appoints and Renews Directors to Global Board Canada, Toronto – On 6-7 December, 2018 the International...