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UN IDOP Side Event: End Immunisation Inequality Toward Healthy Ageing

The 2019 United Nations International Day of Older Persons (UN IDOP) theme “the journey to age equality” focuses on pathways of coping with existing and preventing future old age inequality. The theme will explore levers to cope with demographic and other societal and...

The Importance of Rehabilitation for Healthy Ageing

IFA Guest Blogger: Kate Swaffer, 2018 Australian Global Leader, 100 Women Of Influence, and Chair & CEO of the Dementia Alliance International writes for the International Federation on Ageing. As a 49-year-old, married, working mother of two teenage sons, I was...

Importance Of Making New Innovations In Home Health Care Services

IFA Guest Blogger: Mr. Andrew Russell   In this modern world of medicine and home health care service, there is no other way to survive but to make new innovations. This plays an important role as it will help these care services to reach more and more homes and...

Seeing Through My Father’s Eyes: Reframing Dementia

IFA Guest Blogger: Ms Kimberley Littlemore, is a fellow of Swansea University Medical School and an award-winning former BBC filmmaker.  As the Creative Director of eHealth Digital Media, Kimberley is responsible for producing high-quality film content, working with...

Influenza Recommendations for Hajj

3 July 2019 - The Hajj is the yearly pilgrimage Muslims can make to Islam’s holiest city, Mecca in Saudi Arabia to engage in practices to deepen faith and increase a sense of unity and humility within the Muslim community.  It is one of the five pillars of Islam and a...

Misconceptions About Living with a Chronic Lung Disease

IFA Guest Blogger: Ms Morgan Dixon A chronic lung disease diagnosis can be frightening, and the misconceptions about living with chronic lung disease can make that fear worse, particularly for older people. However, with continued research on chronic lung disease and...

It’s not all rainbows: Ageing in the LGBTQI2S community

Ageing can pose challenges for any population, but the LGBTQI community faces a specific set of obstacles that make the experience of ageing more difficult than it is for others. Research has proven that older LGBTQI individuals face elevated rates of poverty, social...

Vision Health Month – In Review

As May comes to an end, the IFA would like to take the opportunity to reflect on the events of this advocacy filled month. Over the past 30 days, results from a representative national survey provided further insight into how Canadians perceive their vision health; as...

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