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Championing Change with Community Based Volunteers

Championing Change with Community Based Volunteers

Community Development Volunteers for Technical Assistance (CDVTA) is an IFA member and community partner that advocates for the rights of older people in Cameroon.  With a staff of 8 and a network of over 450 volunteers, CDVTA Director (and IFA Board Member) Mr...

Introducing the IFA Post-Conference Education Webinar Series

In 2018 the IFA held its largest global conference to date, convening over 1200 delegates. However, there are many more people who wanted to participate and were unable. As such, it is with great excitement that the IFA announces a new Post-Conference Education...

Addressing inequalities within a rapidly ageing global population

Addressing inequalities within a rapidly ageing global population

To address a rapidly ageing global population, governments, civil society and individuals have had to come together to work towards creating a world of healthy older people whose rights and choices are both protected and respected. Organizations committed to advancing...

Free and equal across the life course?

Free and equal across the life course?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights turns 70 years old today – Human Rights Day.  This document was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) on 10 December, 1948 and sets out the common standards of fundamental human rights to be universally...

Eye See You Holiday Photo Contest 2018

Eye See You Holiday Photo Contest 2018

The Eye See You campaign aims to improve eye health education and help Canadians maintain and promote vision health across the life course. This holiday season, the International Federation on Ageing and the Eye See You campaign are inviting amateur and professional...

It takes a community to prevent a fall: We all have a role to play

It takes a community to prevent a fall: We all have a role to play

IFA Guest Blogger: Marguerite Oberle Thomas, Consultant -Liaison, Fall Prevention Community of Practice. Thomas, a senior, has worked in Injury Prevention since 1996.   Fall Prevention Month is a November campaign initiated for the fourth year by pan-Canadian...

Man(ageing) Diabetes #WDD2018

Man(ageing) Diabetes #WDD2018

What is Diabetes? Diabetes mellitus (diabetes) is one of the most common noncommunicable diseases globally and continues to increase in numbers and significance.  Diabetes is a chronic, systemic disease where the body can either no longer produce (Type 1) or make good...

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